
Les temps forts de l'été

Les Orres, c'est une montagne d'événements et d'animations en tout genre, tout au long de la saison d'été. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous les temps forts de la saison parmi toutes les animations proposées aux Orres.

Pour un été passionnant et exaltant, faites votre choix !

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11 résultats

Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
From Monday 23 December to Monday 30 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Tuesday 24 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Wednesday 25 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Thursday 26 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Friday 27 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Saturday 28 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Sunday 29 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!


Magic Christmas

Dates d'ouverture
Monday 30 December
Office de tourisme 165004 92 44 01 61

Who hasn't dreamt of celebrating Christmas in the mountains, with their feet in the snow and their head in the stars? Illuminations, fire shows, parades, the arrival of Father Christmas... the magic of Christmas is at work in every corner of the resort!

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Festival détox et bien-être 2023 Les Orres

Toutes les animations pour ne jamais s'ennuyer !